Sociology of Race and Ethnicity
Syllabus upon request
Deconstructing "Muslim American": Race, Nationalism, and Globalization
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Introduction to Qualitative Methods in Sociology
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Asian Americans in Contemporary Society
Syllabus upon request

About the image: "Rickshaw Workshop" by S. M. Samsu. Rickshaws are perhaps the most iconic Bangladeshi local transport. They are decorated from top to bottom in bright colors and bold patterns using cheap, easily available materials like fabric, plastic, glitters and paint. The art-form that emerged from this cottage art industry is now popularly known as Rickshaw Art. Paintings such as this one are found in the back of the rickshaws close to the number plate. They usually depict scenes that represent the rickshaw puller's religious beliefs, local folklores, national monuments and images from Bangla cinema. As such, no two paintings or rickshaws look the same. Check out more pieces of this cherished Bangladeshi heritage at rickshaw-paint.net.